





Steven Berryposted toAmerica: The Lies Our Government Tells Us!
Here is a portion of the story about how JFK Jr. came into possession of some information that was going to blow the lid off of the JFK assassination myth..I am not suggesting that this file or the story behind it is 100% accurate but there is someone I know who validates it as the gospel..as she was working in a capacity that verfied it as true in the late 1990's..just read this and then you decide if it is all a lie or not

Steven Berry


On the 5th of July, 1999, my home phone rang. Joan answered it and said: "True, it's for you." As I answered it, a very polite masculine voice on the other end said: "Hello, True Ott, do you have a moment to speak? This is John Kennedy calling!"


 I immediately asked him to hold while I went to the privacy of my home office to take his call. After a few minutes of small talk, he told me: "Well, I understand that you want to know what I think of your file. I want you to know that I have spent over six figures in private investigators to verify its contents. I can say to you without hesitation that its contents are indeed factual. As a matter of fact, because of this file, a federal grand jury will be convening within the next few weeks. It is my opinion, as well as my attorneys, that this federal grand jury will pass down an indictment against George Herbert Walker Bush for conspiracy to commit murder against my father, and will also indict others as the evidence unfolds. If George W. thinks he can run for dogcatcher after this grand jury convenes and his father indicted, he is sorely mistaken."


 I was thrilled, yet deeply saddened by John's disclosures to me. I asked him how he felt about what he was about to do. Did he understand that it would shake American politics, especially the Republican Party to its very foundation?


 He replied: "Yes, I do realize the gravity of the story and my accusations, but the guilty must be brought to justice."


 I pressed: "But Mr. Kennedy, how do YOU feel?"


 The phone went silent for a minute or two. Then John replied: "I feel like a mighty weight has been lifted from my shoulders. For the first time in my life, I feel empowered. I feel my Father's spirit beside me on this, and finally, I can exorcise a few demons from my life." He was definitely emotional, and very close to tears. I knew that I was. I was a part of American history. I had helped a brother's search for truth.

Hi Folks,

A reporter called recently and asked for a researcher that could givequotes on what we know is wrong with the Warren Report for the upcoming anniversary of its presentation to President Johnson. I called onMartin Shackelford for the task and I'd like to share with you some thought provoking quotes he compiled.

Share your thoughts or list more that the Warren Commission got wrong onthe JFK LINE board at http://jfklancer.com/LNE



Kennedy Quotes: For the upcoming 35th Anniversary of the Warren Report

John A. McVickar, Assistant Counsel, U.S. Embassy, Moscow, 1959:
"Oswald was following the pattern of behavior in which he had been
tutored by person or persons unknown...that he had been in contact with
others before or during his Marine Corps tour who had guided him and
encouraged him in his actions."

Henry Luce at a dinner party, 1961:
"We can't afford to make a mistake in America. So if this young Kennedy
makes a mistake, he's got to be impeached immediately. We can't wait for
a second." (quoted by Mort Sahl, who heard it, in "Heartland")

Kennedy aides Kenny O'Donnell and Dave Powers:
"The president's orders to reduce the American military personnel in
Vietnam by one thousand by the end of 1963 was still in effect on the
day he went to Texas. A few days after his death, during the mourning,
the order was quietly rescinded." (from "Johnny, We Hardly Knew Ye")

Dave Powers:
"If the bullet that wounded the president was not the same bullet that
wounded John. Connally, and I testified that it wasn't, and John
Connally testified that it wasn't, then there would have had to be more
than one assassin."
(May 13, 1976, interviewed on WGBH-TV, Boston)

Dr. Milton Helpern, the nation's leading forensic pathologist at the
time of the assassination:
"Selecting a hospital pathologist to perform a medico-legal
autopsy...and evaluate gunshot wounds is like sending a seven year old
boy who has taken three lessons on the violin over to the New York
Philharmonic and expect him to perform a Tchaikovsky symphony. He knows
how to hold the violin and the bow, but he has a long way to go before
he can make music."
(quoted by Marshall Houts in his biography of Helpern, "Where Death

Dallas Police Chief Jesse Curry:
"We don't have any proof that Oswald fired the rifle. No one has been
able to put him in that building with a gun in his hand."
(November 5, 1969, United Press International)

Marina Oswald's initial reaction:
"I love Lee. Lee good man. He didn't do anything."
(November 29, 1963, LIFE magazine)

Robert Oswald, Lee's brother, after visiting Lee in jail:
"All the time we were talking I was searching his eyes for any sign of
guilt or whatever you call it. There was nothing there--no guilt, no
shame, nothing."

H.R. Haldeman, on a panel to investigate Watergate, March 27, 1973:
"If you want Earl Warren, he'll do it." (said to Richard Nixon)

Sen. Richard Russell, Warren Commission member:
"They [the FBI] have tried the case and reached a verdict on every
(January 27, 1964 Warren Commission Executive Session)
"So much possible evidence was beyond our reach."
(September 29, 1964, Atlanta Constitution, upon the Report's release)
"We have not been told the truth about Oswald."
(Letter to critic Harold Weisberg)

Hale Boggs, Warren Commission member, on the Single Bullet Theory:
"I had strong doubts about it."
(quoted by Edward Jay Epstein, "Inquest," the first study with access to
Warren Commission members and staff)

John J. McCloy, Warren Commission member:
"It was important to show the world that America is not a banana
republic, where a government can be changed by conspiracy."
(quoted by Epstein, "Inquest")

Sen. John Sherman Cooper, Warren Commission member:
"We had to lift the cloud of doubts that had been cast over American
(quoted by Epstein, "Inquest")

Allen Dulles, Warren Commission member, fired by JFK as CIA Director:
"But nobody reads. Don't believe people read in this country. There will
be a few professors that will read the record...The public will read
very little."
(September 6, 1964, Warren Commission internal memo)

J. Lee Rankin, Warren Commission chief counsel:
"We do have a dirty rumor [Oswald was an FBI informant] that is very bad
for the Commission...and it is very damaging to the agencies that are
involved in it, and it must be wiped out insofar it is possible to do so
by this Commission."
(January 27, 1964, Warren Commission Executive Session)
"At this stage, we are supposed to be closing doors, not opening them."
(July 1964 response to staff counsel Wesley Liebeler's request that a
conspiracy lead (Silvia Odio) be pursued, quoted in Epstein, "Inquest")
"They [U.S. intelligence agencies] could have conspired all together to
try to conceal it [information] from us...It's been very rare in our
history that any of these agencies have come forth and said 'we made a
(May 1975, WRR Radio "Allen Stone Show," Dallas)

Burt W. Griffin, Warren Commission co-counsel:
"I don't think some agencies were candid with us. I never thought the
Dallas police were telling us the entire truth. Neither was the FBI."
(April 24, 1975, Rolling Stone)

Associated Press dispatch:
"Washington, D.C..--An agent [James Hosty] who investigated the
assassination of President Kennedy testified today that he flushed down
the drain a note that Lee Harvey Oswald had delivered to the Dallas
office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation."
(December 12, 1975)

Waggoner Carr, Texas Attorney General (former FBI agent):
"All of the records were in the hands of the two agencies [FBI and CIA]
and, if they so desired, any information or files could have been
destroyed or laundered prior to the time the Commission could get them."

(September 2, 1975, Houston Chronicle)

Senate Select Committee to Study Government Operations with Respect to
Intelligence Activities (Church Committee):
"On two separate occasions...[FBI] Director Hoover asked for all
derogatory material on Warren Commission members and staff contained in
the FBI files."
(1976 "The Investigation of the Assassination of President John F.
Kennedy: The Performance of the Intelligence Agencies," report by Sen.
Richard Schweiker and Sen. Gary Hart subcommittee)

Sen. Richard Schweiker:
"Had Oswald been convicted twelve years ago, he would be entitled to a
new trial today based upon the FBI and CIA coverup."
(June 23, 1976 statement)
"Now I don't know who killed cock robin, but we do know Oswald had
intelligence connections. Everywhere you look with him, there're
fingerprints of intelligence."
(December 15, 1975, Village Voice)

Victor Marchetti, former Executive Assistant to the Deputy Director of
the CIA:
"The more I have learned, the more concerned I have become that the
government was involved in the assassination of President John F.
(April 1975, True magazine)

Lyndon Johnson, on being handed the first copy of the Warren Report:
"It's, uh, very heavy."
(September 24, 1964)

Jack Ruby:
"The Warren Commission! What the hell do they know? Did they learn
anything you couldn't read in the papers the next day?"
(Letter quoted in Argosy magazine, September 1967)
"I do not want to die. But I am not insane. I was framed to kill
(to psychiatrist Werner Teuter, quoted in London Sunday Times, August
25, 1974)

Richard Nixon:
"If ten more wiretaps could have found the conspiracy [to assassinate
JFK]--uh, if it was a conspiracy--or the individual, then it would have
been worth it."
(August 22, 1973 press conference)

Henry Fairlie:
"The fact that more than one person is engaged in an enterprise does not
necessarily make it a conspiracy."
(September 11, 1966 New York Times column)

William Raspberry:
"You don't have to be a third-order conspiracist to understand that the
[JFK] investigation has to be reopened."
(September 15, 1975, Washington Post column)

Marianne Means:
"Theories about second assassins and missing bullets, which were once
the exclusive property of idiots, are now debated seriously by
responsible people."
(Spring 1975 San Francisco Chronicle column)

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