



  Show #571
Original airdate: March 22, 2012
Guest: Dr. David Mantik with Greg Burnham
Topics: JFK Research

Play Part One - Dr. David Mantik and Greg Burnham (1:12:41) Real Media or MP3 download

  Dr. Mantik has a physics PhD and is certified in radiation oncology

  Became seriously interested in the assassination with Stone's movie

  Performed x-ray measurements at the National Archives,

  JFK Assassination Logic (McAdams 2011), How to Think Like John McAdams

  Six Seconds in Dallas (Thompson 1967) touted as the best, forty years later

  Overview, logic in the title, but not in the book, he does commit logical fallacies

  Why he omits data, culling evidence, no citation, no rules, inconsistent

  After all of the data that we have accumulated, he does seem to be stuck in the past

  He seems to just regurgitate second hand evidence, no real research of his own

  Do not trust eyewitnesses, except for those approved by McAdams

  Elizabeth Loftus, 10 closest witnesses to the limousine, it stopped, ignored

  Tippet, ejected spent cartridges, Don Thomas, three irreconcilably different opinions

  Back of JFK's head, McAdams argues no damage, witnesses report the opposite

  Right-rear head wound descriptions, exit wound, orange or palm sized, McClelland

  The right temple/forehead, identified by witnesses to the body and to photographs

  Press conference, Malcolm Kilduff pointing, Chet Huntley, George Burkley

  Seth Kantor, Charles Crenshaw pointed to right hair line just above the eye socket

  Robinson, near the hairline, Joe O'Donnell, Robert Knudsen photographs

  Above the right eye, an entry wound, Dennis David, William Pitzer

  Ed Reed, Doug Horne, Reed, Robinson, saw Humes sawing into the skull

  Dr. Mantik observed a trail of apparent bullet fragments on the skull x-rays

  The largest fragment at the back of the head, larger pieces go farther, from the front

  At the autopsy, there was no fragment on the x-rays, children can find it

  Dozens of, experts could not see the fragment that night, the Clark Panel report

  Double exposing an x-ray, John Ebersole, discussion ended at the mention of fragment

  Assassination Science (Fetzer et al 1998), John Fitzpatrick, a forensic radiologist

  McAdams acknowledges no fact checker, Dr. Mantik thanks Millicent Cranor

  Assumes 20 conspirators, 96% probability that it would get out, standard deviation

  Gilbert Welch (2004), a list of bad facts in the book

  Photos of back of the head, stereo viewer, paired images, hair looked flat

  5x7 transparencies of JFK's back, left upper back, a small dark spot, a lighter spot

  Color prints, an inconsistent set of photographs, authentic? impossible

  Abnormally dark area, hair washed, no autopsy witnesses saw hair washed,

  Keeping major secrets, autopsy personnel, Parkland doctors, kept their secrets

  Manhattan Project, Mrs. Groves was shocked, My Lai, People of the Lie (1998)

  Fingerprint and palmprint evidence, Carl Day refused to sign a statement

  Fingerprint identification has come under increasing skepticism as unscientific

  The provenance, a print under the wooden stock, one on the trigger guard

  Dr. Mantik reviews his summary, Attention Deficit Disorder, critical thinking

Dr. Mantik also appeared on Black Op Radio shows: #453, #395, #331, #127 and #029
Greg Burnham also appeared on Black Op Radio shows: #509, #081, #037, #034 and #001
John McAdams appeared on Black Op Radio shows: #443 and #442