







Yes, Marquette’s Plan to Fire John McAdams Is About Free Speech and Academic Freedom

By March 3, 2015

In two previous Torch entries on Professor John McAdams’s fight to keep his tenure at Marquette University, I’ve focused on Marquette’s abuses of McAdams’s due process rights and the subversions of basic free speech principles it has used first to justify his suspension, and then to justify its aim of revoking his tenure.

In this third and final entry McAdams’s case, my focus is on perhaps the most outrageous and dangerous argument Marquette has made to defend its position. , Marquette president Michael R. Lovell argued that the university’s designs against McAdams’s tenure “have everything to do with … guiding values and expectations of conduct toward each other” and “nothing to do” with academic freedom or freedom of speech.

It’s hard to overstate how disingenuous this argument is. How does one claim, after all, that Marquette’s actions have nothing to do with free speech when it is trying to fire McAdams due to the content of his private blog? In Marquette’s case, this rhetorical sleight of hand is achieved through systematically ignoring its own policies, guidance from the American Association of University Professors (AAUP), and higher education’s most basic ideas about what academic freedom protects.

It’s worth taking a moment to remember what academic freedom protects. One pillar of academic freedom concerns faculty members’ teaching, research, and publication—their core academic duties as professors. Another pillar recognizes the protections of intramural faculty expression, such as statements on academic and administrative matters and participation in shared governance of the university, in the context of one’s faculty role. Finally, there is extramural expression, which is generally removed from faculty members’ academic roles and exercised in their private capacities. Such expression would also include expression in one’s capacity as a public intellectual—as with Noam Chomsky or Niall Ferguson, for example, whose input is frequently sought on a wide range of issues that frequently diverge from their academic fields. Extramural expression takes numerous forms, such as columns or letters to the editor in newspapers and magazines, statements on social media sites like Facebook and Twitter, or, in John McAdams’s case, the writing on his Marquette Warrior blog, which carries a disclaimer that it is unrelated to his faculty role and does not carry the university’s imprimatur.

Marquette is sticking to the argument that McAdams’s post and the negative reaction that graduate instructor Cheryl Abbate received, including threats and harassment after its publication (which Marquette held McAdams directly responsible for), are so beyond the pale that they render McAdams entirely unfit for teaching without even needing to consider the fundamentals of free speech and academic freedom. This is simply false. While McAdams’s blog entry might be notable for the amount of attention it generated, nothing about it takes it out of the realm of extramural faculty expression, the right to which Marquette repeatedly recognizes in its own policies.

For instance, Marquette’s academic freedom policy (adapted from the AAUP’s 1940 Statement of Principles on Academic Freedom and Tenure) states, “When [a faculty member] speaks or writes as a citizen, he/she should be free from institutional censorship or discipline.” Section 306.03 of the university’s Faculty Handbook, concerning suspension or termination for cause, further states:

In no case, however, shall discretionary cause be interpreted so as to impair the full and free enjoyment of legitimate personal or academic freedoms of thought, doctrine, discourse, association, advocacy, or action.

Finally, Faculty Handbook section 307.07(2) unambiguously states:

Dismissal will not be used to restrain faculty members in their exercise of academic freedom or other rights guaranteed them by the United States Constitution.

By Marquette’s own standards, there should be no question that McAdams’s Marquette Warrior writings, even as controversial as they proved, are protected by his rights as a faculty member.

It would be bad enough for Marquette to simply deny that academic freedom should play any part in this discussion. Marquette goes further than this, however, by distorting AAUP guidance to justify its incursions on McAdams’s rights. Dean Richard C. Holz, in his letter informing McAdams of his pending termination, quotes two passages from the AAUP’s On Freedom of Expression and Campus Speech Codes statement to achieve this end. The first excerpt states that faculty actions “may set examples for understanding, making clear to their students that civility and tolerance are hallmarks of educated men and women,” while the second notes that university administrations and governing boards have a “special duty not only to set an outstanding example of tolerance, but also to challenge boldly and condemn immediately serious breaches of civility.”

Judging by these two decontextualized statements, you might think the AAUP is fine with the chilling effect of speech codes and that it embraces the notion that unfettered expression should take a back seat to vague notions of civility. Yet nothing could be further from the truth. While the AAUP’s guidance cautions faculty to be mindful of how their actions may be interpreted in their leadership roles, the AAUP finds speech codes, and the idea of punishing students or faculty based on the content of their expression, wholly incompatible with academic freedom and free inquiry:

But, while we can acknowledge both the weight of these concerns and the thoughtfulness of those persuaded of the need for regulation, rules that ban or punish speech based upon its content cannot be justified. An institution of higher learning fails to fulfill its mission if it asserts the power to proscribe ideas — and racial or ethnic slurs, sexist epithets, or homophobic insults almost always express ideas, however repugnant. Indeed, by proscribing any ideas, a university sets an example that profoundly disserves its academic mission.

Some may seek to defend a distinction between the regulation of the content of speech and the regulation of the manner (or style) of speech. We find this distinction untenable in practice because offensive style or opprobrious phrases may in fact have been chosen precisely for their expressive power.

The AAUP’s statement also cautions:

Proponents of speech codes sometimes reply that the value of emotive language of this type is of such a low order that, on balance, suppression is justified by the harm suffered by those who are directly affected, and by the general damage done to the learning environment. Yet a college or university sets a perilous course if it seeks to differentiate between high-value and low-value speech, or to choose which groups are to be protected by curbing the speech of others. A speech code unavoidably implies an institutional competence to distinguish permissible expression of hateful thought from what is proscribed as thoughtless hate.

Examining the statement in context, it becomes clear that the AAUP’s aspirational value statements are rightly tempered by the statement’s position that achieving such desired outcomes by force is wholly impermissible. What’s more, the statement that universities have a “special duty not only to set an outstanding example of tolerance, but also to challenge boldly and condemn immediately serious breaches of civility” is fully compatible with a university’s requirement to respect the freedoms it promises its students and faculty. Universities are free to take strong stances in defense of their values and to criticize speech or actions that fail to live up to them. But Marquette’s inference that this language confers on it the right, if not the obligation, to terminate a tenured faculty member for protected speech is entirely unmerited. Marquette has simply cherry-picked language from a decidedly anti-speech code statement to justify revoking a professor’s tenure due to the content of his expression.

All this should help us understand why Marquette is so determined to keep the conversation away from free speech and academic freedom. Professor McAdams’s rights are so well-established, and the AAUP’s best practices and Marquette’s own policies so clear and persuasive, that Marquette is in losing territory as soon as the conversation shifts in that direction. Marquette’s rhetoric only establishes further what was clear at the outset: that the fight for McAdams’s tenure is entirely one of free speech and academic freedom, and both are deeply imperiled by its campaign to revoke his tenure.

Schools: Marquette University Cases: Marquette University: Faculty Member Facing Loss of Tenure for Opinions on Blog

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    Thank you to the Marquette University administration for demonstrating an unwavering commitment to protecting vulnerable members of the Marquette community, including graduate students and women. I hope that other universities look to Marquette for guidance regarding how they might ensure that academia is a safe space for women and what steps should be taken when a faculty member in a position of power abuses that power. I know that because of Marquette's commitment to justice and respect, many women in academia, especially philosophy, have renewed hope and faith that academia will one day be a safe, respectful, and nurturing place for women. Thank you, Marquette, for setting a precedent for other universities that are confronting (or will confront) similar faculty transgressions.
    -Cheryl Abbate
    I give low marks to everyone in this drama. Low marks to the student, because he made a stupid argument about gay marriage and had the audacity to record a conversation with his instructor. Low marks to the grad student, because she silenced the student for having views that are not politically correct and because she shows no awareness that an undergrad is a vulnerable member of the academic ecosystem. Low marks to McAdams, because though he was right to be aggrieved on the student's behalf, he used this to press an anti-liberal agenda he was already obsessed with. And low marks to Dean Holz, because he doesn't seem to understand that there are free speech rights at every level of academia, from the highest levels to the lowest.
      JK There's nothing stupid about objection to gay marriage. Gays have never been forbidden from entering into heterosexual marriages. Domestic relations laws have protected gays equally. The "stupid" description goes applies to those unwilling to follow the legal processes in place in all fifty states. CA and MA conducted referenda and both rejected gay marriage. There is an amendment process that gay rights radicals know they cannot accomplish. The rule of law is anathema to the totalitarian enemies of the Constitution who seek arbitrary imposition instead of legal process. "Stupid" is an adjective you don't understand or are too dishonest to apply accurately, JK.

      Safety schools in nowheresville flyoverland like Marquette seem to believe that mindlessly conforming to what real schools do will make them better. Marquette is still a school that doesn't matter in a place that doesn't matter. It's frustrating to see that non-assimilated Irish Catholic filth are proving right those who correctly pointed out that non-WASPs are incapable of abiding by legal process and individual liberty. Fascism is a catholic phenomenon. It was never politically viable in any predominantly Protestant country - never garnering more than 10% of the popular vote, hence, Ireland's de facto stand with the Axis Power by sending emissaries to Germany as it refused British and American warships berth and provided aid and quarter to catholic fascist pilots.

    Dr. Owen Goldin is a signatory against McAdams on the dailynous blog.

    He is also a member of the Faculty Hearing Committee - the faculty committee with final authority over faculty terminations.

    Dr. Goldin should, under no circumstance, hear evidence in a matter in which he has already made plain his prejudice.

    Email Dr. Goldin (owen.goldin@marquette.edu) asking for his resignation from the Faculty Hearing Committee.

    His continuance on the committee would be a scandal.

    Are students to now be Mentored in the permissiveness of Kangaroo Courts?

    I think that it is everyone's hope that this dismissal of Dr. McAdams goes to the Faculty Hearing Committee and, there, is universally rebuked. McAdams is the most important, most powerful professor at Marquette, hands down. This is a despicable Stalinist purge. Ms. Abbate is regrettably being used as a front by P.C.-Stalinists who are, as is well-known, entrenched at Marquette.

    If the administration is unable to fire McAdams it will be the most glorious victory for freedom in academe, ever. Because it will come from inside Daniel's lion's den. Yes, Marquette is the most squalid, filth-filled gutter in American academia. Suppliance, correctitude-loving bureaucrats; thought-reformist, complainant, duplicitous faculty; a crappy basketball team;--and Blo's closed, not to mention Glocca Mora and Heg's.

    I knew the place was bogus first day I got there and there was no McDonald's in the student union. What a jip. Marquette is rightly a national laughingstock.

    I see the "new" logo--which was introduced in 2005--and I think, "That stands for "political correctness."

    "We love conformist thinking at Marquette" is what I think when I see that logo, and you should too. "We strive for sterile, antiseptic tameness and obedience, just look at our shiny new smiling-safe president"--another good one.

    "Hey, it's your smiling buddy, Stalinist-abiding President Lovell everybody, look at my immaculate record! I rock no boats! Let's go for a jog!"

    Purging McAdams a la Josef Stalin (one of Tbilisi's most promising ordinands) is, as Justice Douglas put it, "A long step down the totalitarian path."

    I wish I only had a high school diploma.

    Marquette '06

    see more
    University President Michael Lovell has violated university rules and policies, over and over again, in regards to this one incident.